sábado, 17 de febrero de 2024

The extremes of the universe: astronomy and atomonomy

The suffix nomía is of Greek origin (nómos) and means "set of laws or rules". It is used in compound words such as economics and astronomy, among others. In this sense, what we now call nanoscience, linked to orderly and systematic knowledge at the nanometer scale (1 to 100 nanometers) is a partial vision of the subject, as the extreme of the universe antagonistic to astronomy should have been called atomonomy (or nanonony). Atomonomy is then the set of laws and rules to understand the world of the small at the atomic-molecular scale; with it is completed a spectrum of knowledge capable of covering the limit of the largest observable to the limit of the smallest observable, and for being small also manipulable.

The first astronomical  records date back to  approximately 1300 BC. It is interesting to outline the evolutionary periods of astronomy:  
Prehistoric (before 500 B.C.) Characterized by the observation of the cyclic movements of the sun, moon and stars, the development of calendars and the determination of orientations. 
Classical (500 B.C. - 1400 A.D.) Measurements of positions and motions begin and geometric models of the universe (geocentric) are made to explain the motion of the planets.
Renaissance (1400 A.D. - 1609 A.D.) More accurate data accumulates and better models (heliocentric) appear to explain the data.
Modern (from 1609 A.D.) In 1609, Galileo Galilei directed a telescope to the sky for the first time in a scientific spirit. The event is considered the beginning of modern astronomy and completely revolutionized the concept of the universe and our place within it. In this period new physical models and mathematical breakthroughs appear. It was born and developed from astrophysics.
Atomonomy did not begin until the second half of the 20th century AD. It was necessary to wait for the appearance of quantum physics (1900-Max Planck) and its application in the first reliable atomic models (1913-Niels Bohr's planetary model and 1926-Erwin Schrödinger's probabilistic model) to begin to understand the world of the small. In 1974, for the first time, Dr. Norio Taniguchi, a professor at Tokyo University of Science coined the term Nano-technology in a lecture. However, something similar to what Galileo did with the telescope appeared only in 1981 when Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer (IBM) developed and perfected the Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM), the first tool to "see" atoms in a relatively easy and routine way (both were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1986). 
It is interesting that astronomy has allowed us to observe the planets, the macro world, since 1609 and it was only in 1981 that we began to see the nano world of molecules and atoms. It took 372 years of technological development to reach the other extreme.
The passage from the study of the largest, such as astronomy, to the world of the smallest, such as atomonomy-nanonomy, leads to a series of interesting reflections on human knowledge.
Being able to study both the immense cosmos and extremely small structures highlights the incredible breadth of scales in the universe and fundamentally the human capacity to begin to understand them.
Both allow us to explore relatively unknown territories. In astronomy, we discover exoplanets, black holes and the very nature of the universe. Through its application, nanotechnology, atomonomy allows us to manipulate matter on an extremely small scale to create new materials, devices and applications capable of providing answers to the nine primary human needs.
Both have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the world and our technological capabilities. From understanding the origins of the universe to advanced manufacturing, these disciplines are at the forefront of scientific and technological innovation.  
The passage from the study of the largest to the smallest in 372 years reflects the human capacity to explore and try to understand both ends of the universe.

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