I’ve presented a plan B at a TED Rosario (
Argentina) in 2013. It was B by Biotechnology, B by Bioeconomy and B by
transgenic Biofactory ( it was subtitled in Spanish, English, German and
Korean). It was an alternative to the current environmental an economic
problems of a planet going adrift and with a plan A that had lost its way long
time ago. After seven years it is clearly emerging that Biotechnology is not
enough to solve all the current and future challenges in purpose to satisfy
primary human necessities, as to know: food, health, energy, housing, clothing,
transport, care of environment, communication and defense. Biotechnology, for
example, provide biogas, bioethanol and biodiesel within the energy area.
Meanwhile the Nanotechnology can provide a quantum dot solar cell,
nanocatalysts to turn carbon dioxide into methane and better batteries for
electric cars.
In the area of health, biotechnology gives rise to
biopharmaceuticals (eg, monoclonal antibodies) and biotechnological therapies
(cell therapies and gene therapies), while nanotechnology revolutionizes the
entry of drugs into the body with nasal entry nanoaerosols capable of replacing
injections, nanoparticles to destroy cancer by localized surface plasmon
resonance, nanorrobots for diagnosis and treatment and, biomimetics, to produce
plastic antibodies and alternative antivirals. Nanotechnology responds to nine
of the human needs identified and shares four of them with biotechnological
developments: food, health, energy and care for the environment. Based on the
foregoing and trying to understand the constant advancement of converging
technologies, I believe that it is necessary to complement Plan B to save the
world (planet) presented in 2013, today I have no doubt that we must advance in
the context with a NanoBio (NB) plan coinciding in the initial letters with the
technologies of the 21st century: the NBIC (Nano-Bio-Info and
Additional information:
La convergencia de las tecnologías exponenciales y la singularidad tecnológica. Alberto L. D’Andrea (coordinador). 2017. Ed. Temas. Buenos Aires. Argentina.
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