Prof. Dr. Alberto L. D'Andrea.
Director of Nanotechnology and new technologies.
CAECE University
It's been seventeen years since 2006, when Ramil Ramzievich Garifullin said on nanopsychology: "The time is not far off when brain signals are transmitted right through electron networks. Cerebrally open society concentrated in psychosphere can require from its members a different attitude to itself, world, and mankind. It is likely that memory of the individual psychic and the existence will gradually disappear leaving just the essence, which will be already not enough for the existence of the phenomenon of man." Last year, Michio Kaku points out:"...we'll digitalize human consciousness and travel through the universe at speed of light..." And during this current year, Prateek Desai asserts: "Humans wil be able to uploading their consciousness to a computer by the end of 2023". These last sayings might sound towards an inmortal virtual man, but in 2017, Dr Brian Cox expresses: "Humans will upload their minds to robots so they can be immortalized before you think of". This sentence moves towards inmortal robotized man.
Such affirmative assertions are based on structure brain knowledge thru projects like Human Brain Proyect, from Europe Union and brain activiy map, coming from USA. The latter opens the possibility of making a brain human alike thanks to amazing results coming from nanotechnology, nanochips, nanobots... giving a way towards the software-mind, soft-awarely (digital copy of the mind). From human to artificial brain that's part of a robot. The other focus point is based on how to include features that are linked to our behaviours, our thinking and our feelings withing AI tools such as ChatGPT (files, videos, recordings, documents, pictures, ...). All these non-structured concepts related to our personality, all these well defined features that take us nearer to the virtual inmortal human attached to a notebook.
Figure 1. The virtual man and the robotic man. Both immortal. |
We can see on Figure 1 a brief scheme of the roads that might take us to inmortality as such. A main concept is the one related to our awareness. Both exposed ways make a perceived consciousness. Erwin Schrödinger (Nobel Prize in Physics in 1933 by his work on quantum mechanics) said “The total number of minds in the universe is one. In fact, consciousness is a singularity phasing within all beings.”There are two ways of achieving this, one that
implies the ability of connecting our brain to an artificial brain, be it
software-mind. This approach is made by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Proyects
Agency - U.S. Department of Defense). It is an agency that's currently
financing six international research groups related to wireless communication
brain-computing that are based on physics and nanotechnology. The other approach is centered on giving
personality aspects onto AI systems so they can have the same look, voice and
consciuosness as human beings. Both approaches might complement and feed back
each other.
and AI are providing the basis for a new technological convergence, the third
(NIC), which promises an immortal virtual human by the end of 2023 and an
immortal robotic human before the middle of the 21st century.
Translated by Adrian Horacio Tozzi
Garifullin R.R. Nanopsychology as a New
Science. Nanophilosophy as a New World-View, in Man in the Face of Global
Challenge, Philosophical Society of Tatarstan. Kazan, 2006, páginas
D’Andrea, Alberto Luis. Hombres
y/o robots (Capítulo 8). La Convergencia de las Tecnologías Exponenciales y la
Singularidad Tecnológica. Editorial Temas, Buenos Aires. 2017.
Erwin Schrödinger. ¿Qué es la
vida? Editorial Espasa-Calpe. 1947. Buenos Aires. Argentina.
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